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Top Tips from a NeuroScientist
To celebrate Brain Awareness Week we have teamed up with Nas!
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and how can it heal long covid and brain injuries?
Testosterone in men
When you think of testosterone, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? A sense of masculinity in an overly assertive or aggressive way, right?
Oestrogen and the Male Libido
Testosterone is the one and often only hormone that gets mentioned when the topics of male fertility and sexual prowess are discussed.
Beetroot: The Secret to a Better Sex Life?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have some exciting news to share with you.
Male Hormones
Hormones have an unmeasurable impact in our daily life: they have control over the body, the mood and even the reproduction status.
Why is Cortisol Important?
Simply put, without cortisol we would not get up in the morning! It often gets a bad rap but not enough cortisol is worse in many respects than too much.
What is the final phase of detoxification?
Phase III of the detoxification process is where the actual removal of the toxins takes place: elimination.
Detoxification Phase 2 - what is Conjugation?
Conjugation means to join and so this process involves adding a specific molecule – chemical groups – to metabolites produced in phase I to make them water soluble and therefore make them less harmful.
What is the first phase of detoxification?
The body’s natural detox process is broken down into three distinct phases: modification, conjugation and elimination.
What Blood markers to look at for detoxification?
A few considerations of standard blood markers used in determining detox process functionality.
Omnos Finger Prick Blood Tests
The much anticipated new range of Omnos home blood tests is finally here!
Five easy steps to successful and sustainable health optimisation
People around the world are desperately seeking better ways to get healthy, but most of them lack the knowledge or are paralyised by too much information for it to be effective long term. The question is, what can you do now to make a difference in your health?
A 3 step journey to promote balance across all body systems
The time has come to replace the purely reductionist ‘eyes-down’ molecular perspective with a new and genuinely holistic ‘eyes-up’ view of the living world, one whose primary focus is on evolution, emergence and biology's innate complexity. Carl Woese 2006
9 reasons to rethink your health reality
What If you could choose any health model you want, would you not choose one that works for you? One that deliver results and makes you happy? One that removes the guesswork and offers the support you need to reach your goal, one that educates you instead of leaving you in the dark?
The infinite game of health optimisation
To be honest, I don't know much about cars.I may have changed a tire once or twice or made sure the oil levels never ran out but otherwise left the rest to the experts.But if you want a car to perform optimally, I know it requires a lot of fine tuning and engineering.
Should I take supplements
With so many supplements on the market, the weekly promising miracle pill that will cure every ailment possible, it can be pretty confusing to know what vitamins and supplements are worth being taken. Here is for you some valuable informations that will lead you to the right choice.
Habits over motivation
Habits promote a meaningful and long-lasting (personal) change for those that I work with.And secondly, whether we like it or not, we are our habits, and they are us.

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